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All Asian Creation Conference 2020 Taipei, Taiwan

全亜細亜創造會議 2020 台北,台灣


Click PDF file above to find out main hall speakers at AACC TAIWAN in 2021.

​Farther Information about Speakers and Topics

Information is generally in the order of the presentations and by room.

Dr. Andy McIntosh holds a research chair at Leeds in the U.K., and is an adjunct professor at Mississippi State University in the U.S.A.

He has a PhD in combustion theory from the aerodynamics department of what was then Cranfield Institute of Technology (now Cranfield University) and a DSc in Applied Mathematics from the University of Wales.

He has over 30 years of research and teaching experience in the combustion of fluids and solids. In 2010, his research was awarded the Times Higher Educational Award for the Outstanding Contribution to Innovation and Technology. 

He has spoken and debated academics in many countries about the importance of origins. He has also authored many books on biblical creation. His specialty is the bombardier beetle. He is married with 3 children and 6 grandchildren.  

Topic: Insect Inspiration – the remarkable bombardier beetle

Prof. Yingguang Liu, PhD,grew up in northern China.He earned a Bachelor of Medicine at Shangdong Medical University, a Master of Medicine at Shanghai Medical University (now Fudan University), and a PhD in Biological Sciences at Ohio University. He took Bible and Greek courses at Maranatha Baptist Bible College. 

Dr. Liu is an Associate Professor at Liberty University. His research focuses on the so-called junk DNA and can prove that this DNA is not junk and does not come from a common ancestor. Instead, it points to a grand Designer. He is also a leader of the Chinese Creation Science Association. 

Dr. Liu and his wife, Aihua, have three children. He currently serves in Lynchburg Chinese Christian Church. 

Topic: What Genomics Reveal of Adam, Eve, and Their Dying Race


Dr. Esther Suwas born in Fujian Province, China. Her parents and grandparents were known in the field of medicine.


Her elementary and junior high years were spent in Hong Kong. Then she immigrated to the U.S., receiving a Bachelor degree in Chemistry from Hope College and Master and PhD degrees in Biological Chemistry from the University of Michigan.


She was a researcher in the Chemistry and Biology Departments of the University of Washington (whose chairmen was Dr. Krebs, a 1992 Nobel Prize winner in medicine). 

Recently, she has spoken all over American and world-wide (including Canada, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, England, Holland, France, Brazil, and Argentina) on such topics as “Science and the Bible,” “Creation or Evolution,” “Family Communication,” etc. She focuses on an attitude of pursuing the truth, as well as sharing with people all over the world the true meaning of life for a beautiful existence.  

Topic: The True Faces of “Ape men”  猿人真面目

Pastor John Eidsmoe is a retired Air Force Lt. Colonel, a retired Alabama State Defense Force Colonel, and a Mississippi State Guard Colonel and Chaplain, and a graduate of the Air Command & Staff College and the Air War College.  He is Professor of Law at the Oak Brook College of Law and Government Policy and in his various teaching assignments his students have given him the Outstanding Professor Award or Prof of the Year Award five times.  He has served as Senior Staff Attorney with the Alabama Supreme Court and is currently Senior Counsel & Resident Scholar for the Foundation for Moral Law.  He is an ordained pastor with the Association of Free Lutheran Congregations and serves on the Board of Lutherans for Life, on the Board of the Plymouth Rock Foundation, and on the Board of the Gospel Martial Arts Union, and is a constitutional attorney who has defended home schools, Christian schools, the right of students to study the Bible in public schools, and the right to display the Ten Commandments in the public arena.  He has authored 14 books, including Historical & Theological Foundations of Law, Christianity & the Constitution, God & Caesar, and Columbus & Cortez, and has produced numerous audio and video lecture albums including The Institute on the Constitution and Here I Stand: A Biblical Worldview for a New Millennium.  He holds seven academic degrees in law, theology, history, and political science. A lifelong student of the Crusades, he is a Knight Commander and Chaplain for the Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem (    He is a Third Degree Black Belt with the American Taekwondo Foundation, a Fifth Degree Black Belt with the Gospel Martial Arts Union, and a Fifth Degree Black Belt with Black Belts of the Faith International.  Colonel Eidsmoe is an avid horseman and skier, and tries to get 8 hours of sleep every week.  He and his wife Marlene have been married since 1970, have three children (David, Kirsten, and Justin) and live in rural Pike Road, Alabama.


Andy McIntosh 博士是一位英國利慈(Leeds) 大學研究主任,以及美國密西西比州大學任教的part-time教授。教育學位:博士學位是從英國Cranfield科技學院(現在Cranfield大學)的空氣動力系(燃燒理論)取得。     另外的博士學位是從威爾士大學(應用數學系)畢業。他有30年在液體和固體燃燒領域的教學和研究經驗。在2010年他的研究得到高等教育供應獎的獎項他也在很多國家演講關於世界起源的重要性並反駁無神論主義他寫過很多跟創世記有關的書他特別研究放屁蟲他有3個孩子及6個孫子

Topic: Insect Inspiration – the remarkable bombardier beetle

劉應廣教授在中國大陸的北部長大。他的學士學位是從大陸Shangdong醫學大學畢業,碩士學位從上海醫學大學(現在的Fudan大學),而博士學位從美國俄亥俄大學生物科學系獲取。他也在美國Maranatha 浸信會聖經學院進修聖經和希臘文。劉博士現任美國Liberty大學微生物學的副教授。他研究進化論者所謂的垃圾基因,可以證明這些基因不是垃圾,也不是從共同祖先來的,而是指出有同一位設計者。他也是創造論協會的領袖之一(Chinese Creation Science Association).劉博士有三個孩子。他現在在Lynchburg華人基督教教會服事主。

Topic: What Genomics Reveal of Adam, Eve, and Their Dying Race


學歷:小學及中學時期長於香港,後赴美留學,獲得美國希望大學(Hope College)化學(Chemistry)學士及密西根大學(University of Michigan)生物化學(Biological Chemistry)碩士及博士學位。

經歷:曾任華盛頓大學(University of Washington)化學系及生化系研究員.

(其主任之一為1992年諾貝爾醫學獎得獎人Dr. Krebs)。近年來蒙各地人士的器重,常應邀赴美國各地,加拿大,香港,台灣,澳洲,新加坡,馬來西亞,印尼,泰國,菲律賓,英國,荷蘭,法國,巴西,阿根廷等地,巡迴演講有關「科學與聖經」,「創造或進化」「教養兒女」「家庭溝通」等專題。注重以追求真理的態度,與各地人士共搓人生真義,以實踐美滿的人生。

Topic: The True Faces of “Ape men”  猿人真面目

約翰·埃茲莫(John Eidsmoe)是退休的空軍上校,阿拉巴馬州國防軍的退休上校,密西西比州保衛軍的上校和牧師,並且是空軍指揮參謀學院和空軍戰爭學院的畢業生。他是橡樹溪法學院和政府政策學院的法學教授,在他的各種教學任務中,他的學生五次授予他傑出教授獎或年度教授獎。他曾在阿拉巴馬州最高法院擔任高級幕僚律師,目前是道德法基金會的高級法律顧問兼駐地學者。他是自由路德會眾聯合會的指定牧師,並在路德會擔任終身理事會,普利茅斯岩石基金會理事會和福音武術聯盟理事會任職,並且是一名憲法辯護律師,曾為家庭學校,基督教學校辯護,以及維護學生在公立學校學習聖經的權利和在公共場所展示十誡的權利。他撰寫了14本書,包括法律的歷史和神學基礎,基督教和憲法,上帝和凱撒以及哥倫布和科爾特斯,並製作了許多音頻和視頻講座專輯,包括《憲法學會》和《我站在這裡:聖經》新千禧年的世界觀。他擁有法學,神學,歷史和政治學七個學位。身為十字軍東征的終身學生,他還是耶路撒冷聖殿(的最高軍事勳章的騎士指揮官和牧師。他是美國跆拳道基金會的黑帶三段和福音武術聯盟的黑帶和信仰國際黑帶的黑帶五段。埃茲莫上校是一個狂熱的騎馬者和滑雪者,他每週嘗試8小時的睡眠。他和他的妻子馬琳(Marlene)在1970年結婚,育有三個孩子(大衛,基爾斯滕和賈斯汀),居住在阿拉巴馬州派克路鄉村。

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